
What is Way-finding?

Way-finding refers to a coordinated information system that guides people through a physical environment and enhances their understanding and experience. Way-finding offers a broader approach to understanding and finding one’s way through the environment than physical signage. It incorporates spatial characteristics, street conditions, sight lines, gathering areas, markers, etc.  It is especially important in communities where there are a high number of visitors. 

A well designed way-finding system will help visitors --

  • know where they are
  • Know where they want to go
  • know how to get there from their present location
  • discover and explore, gain a deeper understanding of place and history

A thoughtful way-finding system will  create a welcoming sense of arrival, help visitors orient as they get off the ferry and bus and improve the town's appearance .There are a number of interesting attractions and activities in Vineyard Haven and while they are all within walking distance from one another, they are not contiguous. A well designed way-finding system will establish visual linkages between the waterfront, Main Street, the historic district, recreation areas and the future museum.

Current activity

The Town has recieved Embarkation funds and has hired Steve Zaqblotny to design a way-finding strategy. Steve's work will include three steps.

1. Fact finding, documentation, and development of an way-finding infrastructure map.

2. A description of major and minor way-finding nodes.

3. A graphic presentation that illustrates the visual-way finding system.

Steve will present his initial work at the November 29th Vision Forum meeting. The meeting will begin at 6:00pm at the Tisbury Senior Center. This will be an opportnity for the community  to provide feedback as the plan is being developed.

Next Steps

Initial way-finding elements will be implemented this spring with funding from the Complete Street's Program.